House and Leisure
Home is the heart of House and Leisure. We believe that real decor inspiration is to be found behind other people’s high walls and closed doors, and we take readers into these private worlds, reflecting the unique personality, decor ideas and lifestyle of the people living there.
HL readers are discerning pleasure-seekers who like to make the most of their leisure time.
House and Leisure magazine is now available in digital format for PCs, Macs and iPads. Download the latest digital issue, back issues or subscribe now
Houseandleisure.co.za is the new online home for South Africa’s best decor and home magazine. Showcasing the latest in local and international design, food, travel and decor, the website boasts a high percentage of new content. The website not only reflects the design, look and feel of the magazine, but also offers readers completely new content and multiple images per article, thereby staying true to our brand’s promise to always inspire and showcase the best South Africa has to offer.
Visitors to HL’s website will find daily posts from the editorial team, as well as guest bloggers. There is also a special tool, MY HL Moodboard, which enables registered users to keep track of the items they covet by collating them into their own virtual workspace. The unique site-wide advanced search toolkit enables readers to find exactly what they’re looking for, with the options to filter by room, product or theme. Upon registering on the House and Leisure website, users can also opt in to receive the House and Leisure weekly newsletter, which will offer inside information on upcoming magazine issues and exclusive competitions.
Magazine Circulation ABC: July - September Total Circ: 44 071
Website: http://www.houseandleisure.co.za/
Page Impressions: 185 751 (November 2013)
Unique Users: 18 883 (November 2013)
e-newsletter subscribers: 13 508 (November 2013)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HouseAndLeisure
Fans: 9 775 (November 2013)
Twitter: thttps://twitter.com/houseleisuresa
Followers: 7 673 (November 2013)
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/houseandleisure/ Followers: 2 677 (November 2013)